Facebook attracts 1.23 billion monthly active users. Twitter achieves 232 million.
That doesn't mean you should redirect your budget to Facebook, though. The demographics of each site are very different. After all, it doesn't matter how many people are there if they aren't your target audience!
Females are just ahead of males on both networks, although there is a fairly even mix on Facebook. It's interesting to note that Twitter is more popular than Facebook - it could be that the sheer amount of content on Twitter makes it more enchanting, similarly to Pinterest.
It's also interesting to note that Twitter has a much younger demographic than Facebook. While Twitter is the social network of choice for people aged between 18 - 29, with 75% of usage made up of people between 18 - 49, Facebook has a much older demographic. Almost 75% of Facebook usage is made up of people older than 29.
Coca-Cola own the second most visited page on Facebook. Facebook own the first, with "Facebook for every phone."
For Twitter, YouTube has the most popular account. It currently has over 45,992,097 followers.
YouTube's success is less surprising when you remember that video is the most popular content medium on Twitter - and YouTube certainly has a lot of it to share!
Ask a question on Facebook, and you'll increase comments by 100%. Ask the same question on Twitter, and you'll see a 22% rise in responses.
As you'd expect, images also have a big impact on engagement. Post a photo on Facebook, and you'll get 53% more likes and 104% more comments. On Twitter, you'll see a 39% increase in clicks and a 41% increase in retweets. Make good use of images!
Keep it short, regardless of where you are posting - Twitter will limit you to 140 characters anyway, but Facebook status' with less than 250 characters get 60% more engagement.
Remember, as useful as stats like these are, it could be different for your audience. Trial them, and check your stats!
Need a help with your social media strategy? I'd be happy to help manage your profiles, or run an audit on your current activities. Send me an email at katy@katyblake.co.uk!